7. December 2022
In May of 2021, the Perspektiv architecture studio won an architectural competition for the design of a new square adjacent to Masaryk railway station. We have now been implementing the winning design for the past 6 months and are fulfilling the promises we made to the councilors of the capital city of Prague – we are transforming a previously extremely neglected area into a new, unique space full of life and greenery.
“I am glad that, thanks to the cooperation between the developer and the City, a well-designed public space – a small square, where its design has passed an architectural competition – is being created on the site of a previously neglected area. Bare square meters are not being built here, a piece of the city is being built here,” says Petr Zeman, representative of the capital city of Prague, with regards to the revitalization of the Masaryčka micro-locality.
Together with Hlavní město Praha we are equal partners in this part of the project!
The planned urban re-development of the entire square should be completed by the end of next year.