8. July 2022
Last week, one of several parts of the participation for the upcoming architectural-urban competition of the 4th Quadrant project took place in Dejvice, where together with the ONplan Lab company, we organized an expert debate for the public within the National Technical Library premises. The history of the urban development of Dejvice was introduced, followed by presentation of the Concept Study of Vítězné náměstí and the future of the Dejvice Campus. The final part was reserved for a debate with the public, including dialogue with major stakeholders – where representatives of Penta Real Estate, Sekyra Group, VŠCHT, the Prague 6 district, the Institute of Planning and Development as well as NPÚ were present.
The discussion showed that we have a very similar opinion on the development of the area and we are moving together towards the successful future completion of the planned construction surrounding Vítězné náměstí, which has been a in a conceptual stage for more than 100 years.
You can find details about the upcoming architectural and urban planning competition at https://www.4kvadrant.cz/